Hello all the ladies and gentlemen who came back again with me Lelaapril2004 this time I will memprestasikan an article about the project Qurrex let us start !!!
I have not done my reviews for a long time. Do you miss? So let's get started. Today we will talk about the exchange of the Qurrex. You ask why? Yes, because he has recently faced the biggest problem of many exchanges - the speed of information processing. I have one token that is traded on many exchanges, and so on one price almost doubled, I decided to sell half of it and sell it. But it's not here! In short, the exchange begins to hang, the tokens do not "go in." Generally, when I start with half sadness, the price has collapsed. And what's the end? I just lost my nerves, time and commissions
And then I found a rather interesting description of the project called the Qurrex, at first glance it was a typical exchange, but after studying the white paper and the developer's promises, I really liked the project. And that's why I'm going to tell you about it today
You can watch an introductory video of the " In two minutes about Qurrex " project:
About Qurrex
The First Ecosystem for Trade and Social Investment and Professionals in End-user-oriented Crypto Assets: from inexperienced individuals, individual traders to large brokers and institutional investors Sales of the upcoming public QRX token make us feel important to add up all the info about it in one the place. The story is long, but definitely worth reading
So, what distinguishes the Qurrex from other exchanges? First, this is a hybrid exchange, which will unify all investments and not just players together. And of course, of all the "crowds" the Qurrex allocates its productivity. Just imagine, the system will be able to handle up to 70,000 transactions per second! The delay is 0.65 ms (99%), which is very impressive. It's exactly what I mentioned above. And also the system will be tested regularly, with customer participation.
From the perspective of social commerce platform Qurrex has demonstrated the effective management of users of trading accounts, developing and supported by strict standards. Any merchant who entrusts his own cost system of the Qurrex Rank can be sure to make a profit using a trading signal. In the package there will be forums and messenger chats.
Qurrex is the first hybrid cryptocurrency exchange that combines three trading systems :
- Professionally concentrated concentration of cryptocurrency;
- A unique decentralized cryptocurrency exchange for
- A unique decentralized cryptocurrency exchange for liquidity providers, consisting of thousands of mini-exchange
- New generation trading terminal.
The development team that has successfully created the top exchange system, declared the project mission as follows :
- Integration of the Qurrex platform into the traditional trading ecosystem, to provide access to the market for
- Integration of the Qurrex platform into existing traditional market exchange ecosystems, to provide access to the cryptocurrency market for more than 200 million users and 20 thousand professional players
- the first democratic decentralized stock exchange account with
- the first democratic decentralized stock exchange account with a turnover of more than 10 billion USD a day
- Overcoming all the problems of modern crypto trade "is growing teeth" and providing social trading tools, automation, and
- Overcoming all the problems of modern crypto trade "teething" and the provision of social trading tools, automation, and unique robots for the retail market.
An important part of the Qurrex economy - having a QRX token - has an accurate and highly competitive function for then accurate and highly competitive functions for a long time and from various buyers. Here is the economic design of QRX

The functionality of this system is built on the basis of algorithms built into the graphical interface. This includes various automatic trading signals. Also, a large number of various diagrams and analysis tools are built into the system.
Companies will use blocking technology, which ensures secure storage, full transparency and decentralization. In this case I will not be deep, because my audience has long known this technology. Other systems will have 24 hour technical support, which is very important.
Here is the proposed QRX economic design in various examples.
Discount or money back. 20% of exchange earnings from trading commissions will be distributed throughout the QRX token collection as a discount / cash-back. This possibility will be useful for active QRX exchange users who want to cut expenses associated with their exchange. This is an example of distribution.
Say, the income exchange commission is $ 100, $ 20 which will be distributed evenly among 100 tokens. That means that one token holder is entitled to a 20 cents / cashback discount. But what is the immediate and relatively full-scale economic impact for ecosystem players?
- Let's look deeper.
Exchange. 20% of the commission commission is about 50% of net income, which is an important part of the company's business. According to Bloomberg, the world's top 10 currency exchange rates range from $ 400 thousand to $ 3 million a day. That's about $ 150 million to $ 1 billion a year.
The project's hard stamp is $ 55 million ( 70 million QRX ). Taking into account commission costs and asset turnover estimates, one can assume a potential payback period of 5 to 12 months. But the fact is this period is slightly shorter.
We should consider here that estimates have been made based on current cryptomarket parameters, while Qurrex targets professional markets, whose capabilities and volumes are far greater than non-professionals.
Retail market. Currently there are about 10 million users crypto economy. The daily turnover equivalent to one user varies in the range of $ 1,000 - $ 2000, which is equivalent to $ 350- $ 750 thousand a year. The commission fee for a user exchange earns $ 600- $ 1200 per year. To allow average users to earn $ 1200 estimated cost per year, they must deposit less than 600-1200 QRX tokens (once) on the Qurrex exchange. Taking into account market growth, additional token deposits may be required later in quantities less than 300 QRX.
On the one hand, not too much. On the other - at an emission limit of 70 million QRX tokens, the total number of users with 1,200 QRX tokens should not exceed 58,333. To date 10 million users exchange cryptocurrency, it covers only 0.6%, or every 180 people, for 200 million users of conventional market less than 0.03%, or every 3600 people.
Using this compilation we can come up with a clear understanding of QRX token requests and competition in the retail market.
Professional market. It is likely that rather than the average user, the main beneficiary of the discount / cash-back will be institutional players in the form of FX and traditional brokers, trading companies, liquidity providers, banks and other companies, whose volume of trade turnover is very high.
Let's make an example. An average broker with 10,000 users will pay $ 6-12 million in exchange commission fees annually. Ownership of 1 million QRX tokens will enable to save $ 1-4 million annually, which is practically comparable to 30-100% of net income in this business. For institutional players, the crypto market will be one of the highest margin segments, so ownership of tools that provide long-term savings in the market will be a strategic competitive advantage.
At the emission limit of 70 million QRX tokens, the total number of users with 1 million QRX tokens should not exceed 70. For 20,000 traditional market users, this is only 0.35% or every 250 people.
Financial lease. The special trade exchange feature of the Qurrex provides the possibility to operate QRX token token derivative tokens to enable QRX token owners to make a nominated interest rate advantage in highly liquid currencies ( USD, EUR, BTC, ETH, QRX ), while the QRX token token get a discount / cash back for commission fee for a certain period of time.
So, the owner of an inactive QRX token transacting on the platform can still make use of it. They will earn a passive income thanks to a secure transfer token for temporary use by third parties. In accordance with our estimates, the rental fee is not less than 50% of the redistributed discount / cash for the rental period.
In addition to the apps listed above, a QRX token will be used :
- As an exchange asset - Quotation QRX will be listed for key crypts and fiat keys. Therefore tokens will have attributes of market goods with high liquidity, with market prices subject to change due to an increase in exchange rates. This function will mainly be requested by exchange speculators ( professional traders ), hedge funds, investment banks, trading companies, etc. What benefits from the expectations of economic agents ( volatility ).
- the QRX token will be a means of payment for any Qurrex exchange service on the market ( urrent exchange rate ), and in this case we expect demand growth from the token transmitter ( ICO ) and HFT trader ( co-location zone );
The fundamental factor affecting the token market price is the economic result of the Qurrex exchange ( trading volume and trade exchange cost ) and market participants' expectations of future parameter fluctuations. The project team believes that the Qurrex will be one of the best 3-currency exchanges, and this is only a matter of time, even relatively quickly.
The concept of a decentralized Qurrex exchange suggested by the team is aimed at finding a solution to the current major issue of decentralized exchanges - the absence of trade volume.
The solution is to create the first decentralized cryptocurrency exchange with a turnover of more than $ 10 billion per day. Currently the mutual turnover of all decentralized exchanges is less than $ 10 billion per day, which is less than 0.1% of the daily crypto market turnover. If we assume the pair is very liquid ( eg ETH / BTC ), it will be several times less than that.
Complementing this, rather than simply consisting of technological aspects (atomic transfer or their speed), means to overcome the economic aspect. The problem is that there is currently no decentralized exchange that will economically encourage liquidity providers to participate in trade organizations by providing liquidity. Therefore, the core of the decentralized Qrex exchange is the liquidity loop, which because of its function is a kind of interrupted exchange capable of compiling a list of requests and achieving equilibrium.
The owner of the liquidity node may receive income by :
- commission costs in the context of distribution for liquidity needs and client liquidity management.
- off-chain commission fees to provide leverage, repo, access to systems and other services.
The decentralized system of Qurrex is designed to enable thousands of liquidity nodes as part of its structure. It is expected that liquidity providers will continue to earn at least a few hundred thousand dollars to several tens of millions of dollars per year by providing liquidity for niche tools paired with high liquidity currencies.
By taking an above-average broker with 10,000 users, we can estimate that they will earn $ 6- $ 12 million dollars a year from their clients in a decentralized hybrid crypto exchange environment.
Liquidity providers - who are they?
In their traditional markets are banks, specialized financial intermediaries, large brokers, market makers. In a crypto economy it is possible to add large miners, mining, and niche niche cryptocursion owners to that list.
The right to create a liquidity node can be obtained only in return for a QRX token by the formula:
The value of the QRX token in a decentralized Qurrex exchange lies in the fact that as a reward has a liquidity node, it is possible to obtain some kind of active and passive income. Demand is guaranteed to be awarded from various players, such as institute participants, large miners, mining, owners of significant stacks of cryptocurrency (altcoin). Only a few thousand participants have a liquidity knot.
QRX and its role for the trading terminal
The trading terminal or Qurrex middleware will provide a series of trading services for b2c. For example, such as algorithmic trading, autofollow, trading signals. Socialized merchants - small QRX owners - can gain access to this service at a discount or, in some cases, for free. Also, owners of medium and large QRX stacks will have discount access to b2b information exchange services, such as market data.
It is not possible to purchase a QRX token in retail before pre-sale personal sales. Currently the hybrid crypto exchange team interacts with and processes institutional investor orders only.
According to the plan after the pre-ICO settlement in May-June, 2018 a small number of tokens will be awarded to the public sale through a white list with a storage system. Storage system has been launched.
The cost of 1 QRX equated to US $ 1 or equivalent to cryptocurrency. You can buy tokens using Ethereum, Bitcoin, or Litecoin. The total amount to be sold during the ICO is 55 million tokens of 70 million issued, ie 78.6% of the total number of coins emitted.
About token
The token will be called QRX and use the ERC20 standard. The total capitalization of tokens is 70 million, of which 55 are allocated for pre-sales. Tokens will be used to pay for services and commissions when working with other currencies, as well as token holders will receive individual discounts obtained in accordance with the formulas found on white papers to regulate trade. All the references you'll find at the end of the article. And of course QRX criticocent will be cited as a commodity exchange
Token Sales Structure

Token Price : 500 QRX = 1 ETH or BTC / LTC ratio
Details of Bounty Distribution
To follow the bounty of the program hosted by the qurrex, you can immediately see a thread about bounty qurrex in bitcointalk, meaning you will have the opportunity to participate in the campaign and can get QRX Token by continuing to support the current Qurrex project, the number of rewards allocated approximately 1,610,000 QRX ~ 1,610,000 USD for this bounty campaign :
- 25% for bounty Signature Campaign
- 20% for bounty Reddit Campaign
- 12.5% for bounty up
- 12.5% for bounty Twitter
- 17.5% for bounty Youtube & Articles
- 10% for bounty Telegram
- 2.5% for bounty YouTube Subscriptions
Token Sale Details
To follow the token sale qurrex you can list directly on qurrex token sale :
- Symbol : QRX
- Token standard : ERC20
- Token type : utility
- Total token supply : 70m
- Total token for sale : 55m
- Total token for pre-sale : 17m
Qurrex has been designed to create a gateway suitable for professional traders in traditional financial markets for the crypto economy and to meet the challenges of exponential growth in cryptocurrency trading. The new platform will integrate centralized exchange based on enterprise technology from the traditional stock exchange with a decentralized network of thousands of nodes of liquidity with partial exchange functions for miners, brokers, liquidity providers and other institutional players.
Matthijs Johan Lek, CEO of Qurrex said: "We look forward to partnership with Andromeda Group to strengthen our capabilities and enable us to provide new features for our new products. This is an important milestone in the journey of Qurrex to become the first professional and truly global platform of professional cryptocurrency hybrid "

Team Leader Qurrex
This company is made by professional team for professionals! They want to share much of their experience about the manufacture and operation of platforms that will withstand high loads, which can not be handled by many resources.
The founder and CEO of the company is Mathhijs Johan LEK. He has worked in finance for over twenty years, including investment banks, brokerage services, and business development. He also leads a team of professional traders and advisers with a wealth of experience in the foreign exchange market, specializing in trading strategies, algorithms, and trading bots. Recently, the team is actively studying the crypto currency industry.

Advisors And Partners

Judging by the professional team and the white paper, I concluded by myself that if ICO is successfully completed, the platform will significantly increase trading in crypto-loans, both for whales and newcomers in this field. For example, for the first time I saw the idea of creating a decentralized exchange platform based on traditional exchanges. Qurrex should start in the world of exchange without "brakes" and successful trade, the more the team continues to develop and create partnerships with other companies, and this is the first sign of serious intentions.
And I, in turn, wish the project and his team success, development and, of course, the successful completion of the ICO. I'll be happy to follow the news, and wait for the high-speed trading platform
For detailed information about our ICO you can also visit our website address below :
- Website : https://qurrex.com/
- White paper : https://goo.gl/ZmucrR
- Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2899211
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/qurrex
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/qurrex/
- Telegram : https://t.me/qurrex_chat&https://t.me/qurrex
- Medium : https://medium.com/qurrex
- Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYAsSGdCEHA96fUJWWGDL5g
- Github : https://github.com/Qurrex
Author Article : Lelaapril2004
ETH : 0x0bF3d407cF25D98886d707d2355E7Cd00191c142
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