What is Pecunio
Pecunio is a decentralized investment platform with cryptocurrency cards and free digital currency exchange, enabling easy savings and crypto asset expenditures. We are a department store for average non-tech-savvy users, high equity investors as well as angel and venture capitalist.
Pecunio also specializes in providing expert consulting services for leading start-up blockchain by providing each individual client with a taylor business plan created as we recognize diversity. We want to open a vibrant cryptocurrency market to everyone - reinforce blockchain investment and enable everyone to participate in the new economy of the 21st century.
By authorizing all our funds and assets, we simplify investments into selected ICO, venture capital & capital funds and cryptocurrency. All major cryptocurrencies will be interchangeable on the platform for free. Pecunio opens an exclusive investment universe for everyone.
A multi-asset prepaid debit card, enabling tokens expenditure in fiat currencies worldwide. This prepaid debit card payment at no local exchange cost makes digital currency expenditure a lot easier. Pecunio allows spending cryptocurrency with instant liquidity.
Our expertise in traditional management and hedgefunds makes us qualified to accompany the blockchain business by successfully spreading their wings. We launch ICO campaigns with special funds, management support, legal advice, and more. Pecunio shares the benefits with the token holder.
Pecunio's mission is to open up a vibrant cryptocurrency market for everyone, encourage the adoption of blockchain and democratize the ownership of cryptocurrency. Since the economic fruit of technological innovation is usually harvested by wealthy investors with deep pockets and insiders knowledge alone, Pecunio now makes it possible to own, transfer and invest into cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum & others by the average individual, allowing participation in the economy.
We personally believe in the philosophical mission set by Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the blockchain idea, creating a safe, accessible and affordable universe of funds by most people.
In the last 30 months, the ICO market grew from only 14 million US $ to 2.6 billion US $. Finance & Investment are still poorly represented as a category, due to lack of innovation and decentralization. With a unique business proposition, Pecunio is expected to capture significant market share in ICO results and beyond.
The dawn of the new investment era began with the highly successful ICO Ethereum in July 2014. Imagine having invested two thousand dollars in ETH at the time. Currently in 2017, in less than three years, two thousand dollars will be worth more than 1 million US $ The same applies to the "Stratis" blockchain solution: Only 12 months after its ICO, the tokenholder has doubled their initial investment by factor 600. ICO can double your investment and is the most valuable investment ever, if done well. It is our business venture to find, target and support the best candidates in this highly dynamic marketplace.

Investments into ICO and AC & VC tokenized leverage our fund performance compared to regular cryptocurrency investments so far. Our fund management draws on the profound experience of traditional-, as well as from the hedge fund industry, managing funds with a volume size of $ 250 million and more.
Pecunio cryptocurrency card is a multi-asset prepaid debit card, enabling token expenditure in all fiat currencies around the world without exchange fees. Users will be able to manage assets through platforms, fill cards with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, Ripple and many other crypto currencies to come.
All of our tokens are standard ERC-20 and are based on Ethereum; a secure global decentralized verification network, which allows to provide tokens to our blockchain funds. PCO Token Pecunio receives results from three sources: ICO management, performance, and cost costs. Pecunio will get a large sum of commissions in a short time, making it a true blue chip investment for his token holder.
Our platform simplifies access to the sometimes cumbersome handling of smart contracts for users who do not understand the technology. Active customer support, along with a user-friendly interface, contribute to our platform value. Part of our customer-centric approach will be a free exchange for cryptocurrency, making Pecunio a one-stop-shop for easy investment.
Other supporting pillars of Pecunio's unique position in the market. Our users have customerlifetime value because we are not a seller or a product-centric exchange, but care takers with active management and active customer support.
Why Blockchain
- Tyler Winklevoss, Co-creator of Facebook, a top investor in Bitcoin The Blockchain is a basic technology like the Internet itself - a great system that allows applications built on it and values to be stored and transferred securely through a transparent public logbook. The idea of a decentralized global payment network at a low cost and completion time has profound implications throughout the financial system worldwide.
We now find ourselves at the forefront of a big wave of innovation. About 80% of banks are developing their own blockchain technology today. This is one of the main reasons the world's largest companies are now investing in this promising technology and / or adopting it as well.
The real value of blockchain is to make intermediaries really obsolete. Intermediaries act as third parties who build "trust" between unknown parties can no longer be avoided. Blockchain essentially replaces this intermediary.
- Financial Services
Banks are basically a secure warehouse and transfer hubs for money. Blockchain is safe, decentralized, and tamper-proof ledger addresses this function - at a fraction of the cost. A company called "Thought Machine" has created a "bank blockchain." House cleaning and stockbrokers are also on the firing line for the same reason. Companies like Western Union and MoneyGram always dominate the remittance service. But start-up blockchain tries to create competitive scenarios by offering quicker, cheaper, and versatile forms of money transfers.
- Real Estate
When most people think of buying and selling property, they think of a lot of documents, long, protracted processes, and high agency costs. Using blockchain, anyone can manage, track, and transfer land and property certificates - no need for intermediaries. A company called Ubitquity provides this service now.
- Streaming music streaming
the music is very good - well, maybe not for the musicians. It is estimated that artists lose up to 86% of their music results due to illegal downloads. Blockchain allows artists to earn royalty on their music without going through a record label. Grammy Award-winning Imogen Heap has created a blockchain based streaming platform called MYCELIA which, in addition to others, facilitates this problem
- Why Fund Management
Although Bitcoin has had impressive annual results since the beginning of 2009, the reality is that blockchain technology is still in its infancy and no one knows whether it will be globally accepted. This uncertainty surrounding blockchain and the future of Bitcoin is reflected in the volatility of the price of cryptocurrency. When it comes to investing in cryptocurrency and ICO, there are several risks investors need to know and mitigate:
- Risk of Regulation
Perhaps the greatest risk to Bitcoin's future success, both as a currency and as an investment class, is the risk of regulation. If China, for example, decides to ban its citizens to withhold Bitcoin, the price of digital currency will fall. China is by far the largest market for Bitcoin trading, with more than 90 percent of trade taking place in the People's Republic. Therefore, any negative regulatory changes will have a direct impact on world Bitcoin investments.
The same goes for leading Bitcoin start-ups such as the US and UK. If there is a big economic ban on Bitcoin, the price will collapse and struggle to recover.
ICO scam
Many ICO / token launches lack legitimacy for one of the following reasons :
- Some ICOs are direct deception. Their founders simply cashed in the unreasonable amount of "stupid money" that people threw into the token launch. (The "investor" can often be the one who missed the boat in Bitcoin and / or Ether, who really did not understand the differences among the various cryptocurrencies, especially when it came to value.)
- Other ICOs are invalid because they are essentially a solution without problems - not all require decentralized applications with their own currency. Because of these risks, a significant set of significant due diligence questions should be applied before buying into potential ICOs.
- Too much prompted, for an average individual who has a daily job to occupy himself with all the rapidly changing market details. To react to this dynamic system requires experts and due diligence; they are the pillars of our performance policies, which is why we prefer our active fund management to adapt to fluctuating markets. In addition, portfolio diversification reduces market volatility, fraud, and operational risk while hedge funds make us profitable even during falling markets.
The user signs up to create an account on the Pecunio platform by providing an email address, username and password. Upon confirmation via email, a personal wallet is created and it is automatically redirected to the user dashboard where it finds an overview of the account and its private ownership.
After successfully transferring cryptocurrency or fiat money into his account, it is now the user's choice whether to spend it on a crypto card or more precisely to exchange or rather invest Cryptocurrency into Pecunio's investment product.
Every investor has the opportunity to invest into various types of funds. For now there are three available fund tokens, in addition to the exchangeable tradable Pecunio token.
The resulting value is distributed to investors by PCO utility tokens, which return the costs of tokenized ICO, AC & VC and cryptocurrency funds. In addition, the value is maintained by burning a normal token
Another important function of the Pecunio Platform is the regular distribution of the cost of funds. 25% of the proceeds are reinvested to double the return to investors through compound interest. 25% of the proceeds are paid to the investment advisor in the form of performance costs. 50% of the proceeds are distributed among holders of the funds through the repurchase process. In this way, the income distribution provides the liquidity of the fund token. The purchased tokens are burned so that the revenue will continue to increase for the remaining funds tokens.
Pecunio's innovative business model is profound and complex, but has a short operational history in the young cryptocurrency fund market. It is a difficult task to evaluate future prospects and financial results with absolute accuracy, which is why we offer three difficult possibilities to help understand possible levers and results for our project :

The asset token will be represented as a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. The coding and adjustment of work will be done in Solidity, a high-level programming language similar to javascript, targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is the runtime environment for smart contracts in Ethereum.
The PCO asset contracts collect 2-6% of annual management fees for all funds, as well as performance costs (between 15% and 30%, depending on the funding offer). The token holder of PCO will be able to access their assets through the "redeem and burn" mechanism.
To finance the project, we conducted token sales issued 40 million Pecunio tokens (PCOs) in total after the ICO campaign was over. The total number of token offers is 100 million PCO tokens.
- Our Crowdsale has not been kept secret but everyone who signed up earlier will be personally invited to our closed-end tokens. It will last 30 days.
- The PCO Token is the Ethereum ERC-20 token
- 30,000,000 will be sold in token sales.
- Exchange Rate: 1ETH (or equivalent) = 200 PCO
- Token sales will be difficult to complete after receiving 150,000 ETH
- BTC, ETH, XRP and LTC are accepted for purchase of PCO Token
- No more PCOs will be created after this period to avoid inflation.
- Token distribution begins with February 1, 2018.

Token Value
The PCO Token represents ownership bound to the PCO asset contract (see below), the rights and obligations arising from the Pecunio Fund (mainly management and performance costs), and the cost of ICO services. Token is a digital asset, has no intrinsic value of its own, but its value is based on its assets, property and / or basic rights. The PCO Token allows the holder to receive this fee on a pro rata basis.
- 20,000,000 PCOs created during the creation event will be allocated to Pecunio's founders
- 20,000,000 PCOs will be allocated to early financial supporters and supporters
- 10,000,000 PCOs created during the creation event will be allocated to the company and used as future employee token pools, to strengthen our ability to attract & recruit top talents; this token will be locked for 12 months
- 5,000,000 PCOs created during the creation event will be made for and given to the advisor; This token will be locked for 3 months
- 15,000,000 PCOs will be credited to the reserve, but not issued. These PCO's will be available as an additional funding source, but may never be issued, depending on the circumstances at
Future exchange
The exchange works through a suitable machine through the asset proxy. The interface is therefore linked to external exchanges and addresses through smart contracts of asset proxies, which conform to the ERC-20 standard.
- Manipulation is safe
- Written in a device-friendly programming language to keep pace
- Closed environment - with consideration
- The future decentralization wallet
Written in Javascript, between the Bitcore Bitters framework.

Our team
Our Advisors
For more information about ICO We can also visit our website address below :
- WEBSITE : https://www.pecun.io
- WHITEPAGER : https://pecun.io/Pecunio_White_Paper.pdf
- FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/PecunioFund/
- MEDIUM : https://medium.com/@Pecunio
- STEEMIT : https://steemit.com/@pecunio
- TWITTER : https://twitter.com/Pecun_io/
- TELEGRAM : https://t.me/pecunio
- E-MAIL : office@pecun.io
Author Article : Lelaapril2004
ETH : 0x0bF3d407cF25D98886d707d2355E7Cd00191c142
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