WEBSITE - https://partners.evo.live
Summary of the project
The EVO project creates a decentralized platform for assessing the skills and development of a person. We combine the best partners’ tools and services that help a person to achieve his goals in career, personal life, interests. The user get the gamified application that motivate him to develop, achieve new levels in his skills and get tokens. Activity on personal development is entered in blockchain The digital portrait of the user is used in career, meetings, communities, groups and private clubs, bloggers etc.
Two directions are consistently developed:
- The EVO.Pro is the project direction on creation of the educational and recruitment platform to assess and develop professional skills and personal and business qualities (at the launch stage).
- EVO.Live – project direction on human development in other areas of life, including leisure, sports, creativity, charity, personal development (launch in 2019).
Documentation is focused on the EVO.Pro concept, which forms a large-scale self-sufficient solution for the professional sphere and education, and also creates the foundation for spreading the EVO.Live concept to all spheres of human life in the future.
Mission of the project
Our mission is to motivate as many people as possible to feel in themselves an inexhaustible source of energy, and to direct this energy in the right direction. In this life, we are all unique characters, each great in itself. Extremely simple in comprehension, but uniquely complex task of the person: to find oneself, to realize who we are, what our strength, what talent, concentrate on this effort, to feel the changes.Maturity can also occur in adolescence. To do this, it is enough to really know the answer to the question "Who are you and what will you become?". Happy is the person who knows why he lives, what is his destiny. Aspiring to fame among thousands of people, or considering it important to feel only for himself, that he is a person, a character, a unique one. At the same time, he is the person does his work is good, worthy, excellent.
Surprisingly strong, purposeful, not raging in vain, going along a clear path. And we want to help to realize that it was a question of each of us above. Before us is a unique, incredible Game in which only we ourselves choose who to be. Our team only wants to help feel the beauty of this Game, all the boundless possibilities, the whole reality become the Great Hero of this continuous, beautiful 24-hour Online called Life.
The goal of the project is to unite people, provide them with the best tools for their own implementation, to develop a proactive community. A unique system of non-material motivation will bring to a new level the effectiveness of personal endeavors.
The goal of the project is to unite people, provide them with the best tools for their own implementation, to develop a proactive community. A unique system of non-material motivation will bring to a new level the effectiveness of personal endeavors.
The use of a single platform for solutions across all areas of life allows us to bring more users to the platform and find effective and useful ways for everyone's Engagement.
The use of a single platform for solutions across all areas of life allows us to bring more users to the platform and find effective and useful ways for everyone's Engagement.
Blockchain technology lets you store trusted, trusted data about user achievements and exclude potential loss or replacement, and provide high-speed transactions anywhere in the region.
Blockchain technology lets you store trusted, trusted data about user achievements and exclude potential loss or replacement, and provide high-speed transactions anywhere in the region.
Partners receive new customers entirely at the expense of users from the area around the platform. Together with our partners, we shift the priority of consumption to the development and achievement of goals, which create mutual benefits for the parties.
Partners receive new customers entirely at the expense of users from the area around the platform. Together with our partners, we shift the priority of consumption to the development and achievement of goals, which create mutual benefits for the parties.
Follow events nearby, with their own productivity, make plans, and formulate global goals now with ease. Using all the functions and built-in tools in the app is completely free. Always.
Follow events nearby, with their own productivity, make plans, and formulate global goals now with ease. Using all the functions and built-in tools in the app is completely free. Always.
We created a loyalty program for the coalition, which so far has no analogue. Buyback rate up to 100%, and participation rate up to 80%. Partners use the Standard as a universal loyalty point collected automatically.
We created a loyalty program for the coalition, which so far has no analogue. Buyback rate up to 100%, and participation rate up to 80%. Partners use the Standard as a universal loyalty point collected automatically.

Develop a network of partnerships and loyalty systems
We combine online and offline services around the ongoing human development idea. Visits to fitness clubs will no longer be marked only with photos in Instagram, in-app progress for learning a foreign language will not disappear with the loss of mobile phones, and dusty certificates will not be the only reminder of visits to training.
Users can monetize their success, receive individual offers, expand their horizons and receive validation of their competencies!
Common achievement standards

We have developed a unique gemmified methodology to work with the achievement and competence of a person in all segments of his life, and we also offer solutions for their verification. It enables us to create a new generation community, providing encouragement for development in career, personal relationships, sports.
Just imagine the situation: the employer can make an offer, only based on the skills and capabilities that the system confirms, which is a worldwide standard.
Sophisticated tools for everyone's development

Our goal is to assist users in personal development, as well as provide them with a convenient tool for articulating and achieving personal goals.
We have understood and integrated the best methods of human development into the easy-to-use interface of our applications, and the technology platform enables us to apply all the advanced developments and suggestions of our partners and to maximize benefits for each user. .
Assessment of skills and competence, personal and professional qualities.
- Evaluate objectively where you are now
- Training for separate skills. Easy Knowledge - Choose what you need, do not waste time on long programs
- Skillful game development apps-Manage time, learn easily
- Independent rating of course-Select those who provide real knowledge
- Smart - contract for learning, data in blockchain, procting, online learning worldwide - New technology for your development
Tools for companies for proven professional selection with certain characteristics.
- No intermediaries
- Independent assessment of competence
- Education - learning to address gaps in competence




Our partners

For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :
- WEBSITE : https://partners.evo.live
- ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3191193.new#new
- TWITTER : https://twitter.com/REAL_EVOLIVE
- FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/Evolive.world/
- TELEGRAM : https://t.me/evolive_ru
- YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1NzGGeg7-6kLdmoFdGh_w?view_as=subscriber
- MEDIUM : https://medium.com/@evo.live
Author Article : Lelaapril2004
ETH : 0x0bF3d407cF25D98886d707d2355E7Cd00191c142
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