The HAI project is the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence that combines three key sectors that govern our economic environment even though we can not see it clearly.
The ultimate goal of HAI is to provide the opportunity for small business owners to compete with large companies with millions of dollars destined to market research and marketing, have the opportunity to trade profitably and ultimately to protect themselves and their business from criminals around the world
The HAI Project introduces the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence capable of using cyber, and finds opportunities for the financial and business sector. HAI is designed to empower small businesses that can compete with large-scale companies.
The HAI system operates using blockchain technology, which is an ERC20-compatible token and smart contract, HAI token tokens will benefit from the development of the HAI project.
Conventional systems are very expensive, inaccessible to regular clients, with the above HAI rules; Because it provides an efficient, yet affordable AI whose job is market prognosis, cyber detection, intelligent retrieval.
The HAI distribution token is as follows: 65% will be delivered to the general public; 15% of guests for sale during pre-sale; 5% to Dana Penendah; 5% for the HAI Project Team; 5% for Research Funds; 5% to Dana Bounty.
HAIamed's project to create hybrid artificial intelligence ( Hybrid Artificial Intelligence ) capable of handling problems in Financial Sector, Maya Security, and Business Intelligence.
The HAI project plans to deliver a reliable, inexpensive and worldwide platform to connect with AI and use the strengths in Maya Security, Finance and Business Intelligence that work as a solution to the world's problems.
Mission and vision of HAI Project
- The vision for the HAI Project is to create the first Hybrid Artificial Intelligence capable of detecting new cyber threats, good opportunities for traditional financial markets and data used for business intelligence.
- Double infrastructure in every industry has a deficiency or a misconfigured element, allowing reasonable users to abuse their systems or even try to attack them for personal gain at the expense of others, this is why we need more than just strength. proven in various competitions that Artificial Intelligence is superior to humans when converting raw information into usable knowledge.
- The most important industries identified by the HAI Project Team are Finance, Cyber Sector Security and Business Intelligence
HAIper Platform
- High - End Toolset
Our smart dashboard and platform are fully functional using C # (high-level programming language) so there's no need to deal with the buggy interface
- Easy to use
With instructions between 24/7 and support, you'll use HAI for everything
- Can be customized
HAI is built with hundreds of options so your research or task can be fully understood by the system and you can create your own options
- Fast and Low Cost
The main purpose of HAI is to use AI's power to get results in a short period of time with low monetary costs, saving you & thousands business owners

The HAI project aims to take financial, cyber, and business uses the learning curve of intelligent systems, using concepts critical to the successful implementation of HAI AI Traditional AI systems are very expensive and not available to normal users, with HAI game changes, providing cheap AI and strong are capable of :
- Market Prediction
In order to have a successful trading experience, many hours or even days of research are needed to decide when to make a trade, normal people don’t have that time, you don’t have that time HAI does the heavy lifting so you can spend time doing what you really love, but if you are deep into market research HAI can help you to take better decisions, 1 HAI and 1 brain are better than just a brain.
- Threat Hunting
Attackers are becoming smarter and enhancing the complexity of their tools, it will be HAI the one who is going to protect you and even your business from these criminals, using threat hunting, malware analysis and behavioral analysis techniques.
- Decision Making
Business Intelligence can help small business to increase their sales providing a strong analysis of possible scenarios, market research and product development Just because we don’t start with tons of resources it doesn’t mean we are unable to compete against bigger competitors, HAI provides a cheap research and decision making helper platform for you and your ideas.
Market opportunity
The three sectors chosen to be the core of the first HAI have grown very rapidly in the last decade because globalization and technology are very helpful providing more data and analytics tools as well we are in an era of specialization where we have more workers being prepared. for complicated tasks but, with a crazy growth rate the chances for something bad happen to increase.
HAI : Token
The HAI project was born with the thought of solving a problem that no one can solve for years and is more urgent to resolve as the problem gets bigger.
Artificial Intelligence is the solution, creating a system capable of defeating thousands of people in just a fraction of an hour, saving thousands of hours and more importantly, saving money, a lot.
The HAI Token is intended to represent the true percentage of network strength, allowing users to use AI for purposes within the scope of the project, this will be done using a web application developed by the HAI Project team that will lock the token for a certain amount of time as well as users will be able to upload data to AI ( guidance will be provided ) and receive reports for the data. Initially the HAI token will be issued using the Ethereum Platform, creating
70,000,000 HAI. Once ICO is completed and the main block chain is launched, a swap token is planned, migrating to an independent network without congestion, large cost or scalability issues.
Many AI systems are owned by large corporations; The HAI project is intended to be owned by people and aims to become the first public AI service at the disposal of anyone using a token as a computing power as described above.
Supply and Sale of Token
The token implementation will be through an Intelligent Contract which will generate tokens according to Pre-ICO and ICO orders at the rates specified below There is a token hard token 100 MILLION HAI
Sales Token

- Pre-ICO
- 04/30/2018 : 12:00 AM
- 1 ETH ~ 2,400 HAI: Price
- 10,000,000 HAI; Hard Cap
- ICO Phase I
- 05/14/2018 : 12:00 AM
- 1 ETH = 2,000 HAI; Price
- 35,000,000 HAI : Hard Cap
- ICO phase II
- 28/5/2018 12:00
- 1 ETH = 2,000 HAI: Price
- 30,000,000 HAI: Hard Cap
TOTAL TOKENS : 100,000,000 HAI
In order for the HAI Project to be realized Soft-Cap 3,500 ETH is set and the maximum required is 25,000 ETH; thus providing a stable economic foundation for research and development with full disclosure.
The entire sales of tokens will be divided into 3 phases: Pre-ICO, ICO Phase 1 and ICO Phase 2. Pre-ICO will help us measure the attention generated by the project and largely for ICO funding, including: Promo Ads, Recruitment Fee and Strategic Meetings to increase potential investors. The Pre-ICO start date is April 30 which lasts 14 days to allow investors to read about the project and determine if they want to participate in this journey
After the Pre-ICO phase is over, strategic advertising will be issued and ICO Phase 1 will start at a higher price ( 25% increase from the previous phase ), the possibility of meeting will occur in some places around the world, this stage will last 15 days or until sold out starting on May 14th
The last phase of ICO is Phase 2 from 28 May to 11 June, at the same price as Phase 1, needed to allow investors to buy their tokens as massive support from the expected crowds because it's high volume in transactions as well
- Calendar
Pre - ICO 30 April to 13 May
ICO Phase 1 May 14 to May 27
ICO Phase 2 28 May to 11 June
- Pre - ICO
Price : 0.0004ETH for each HAI token
This will include a 20% bonus.
- ICO Phase 1
Price : 0.0005ETH for each HAI token
15% bonus will be included.
- ICO Phase 2
Price : 0.0005ETH for each HAI token
A 10% bonus will be included
Budget allocation
In case the ICO process does not reach the Hard cap, the remaining tokens will be burned giving a higher value to buy the HAI tokens in the Pre-ICO and ICO phases. Since the HAI Project is public and open to the project, the allocation of funds will also be made, the main plan for the fund is for research, hardware, operations and marketing.
Buy - Back Program
The purpose of the buyback program is to help tokens have the same value as the computing power of the HAI Project, the program will consist of buying certain HAI tokens from exchanges that directly affect trade that increases prices

Lend a HAI Token
To attract holders of HAI, Smart-Contract platforms will be released that allow users to lend their HAI tokens to other users who want to use HAI for personal / business purposes. The percentage of the loan goes up to 10% of the total value of the token lent, the value of each HAI token will be taken from the largest volume of exchanges to take liquidity as a factor.
The benefits of the loan program will be released together with the HAI token. Each Smart Contract created from our platform will differ according to the requirements of each user, referring to :
- Duration, Amount of HAI required, Option to extend the duration or / and amount required, borrow with buy option and so on. Customization comes from both sides of the application, which previously was from the buyer's point of view, as for the token adjustment provider comes with loan preferences eg desired loan rate, loan processing duration, option to sell, options to extend lending time and other options.
- The purpose of this feature is to give large companies the ability to use HAI computing power without the need to buy or sell HAI tokens destabilizing the market plus allowing HAI holders to gain revenue streams simply by having HAI tokens and providing them in program loans
After enough funds are raised, we will start working on all the objectives described below. Note. The secret HAI agency is in development.
Q2 - 2018
Since this will be the initial phase of the project, this goal is necessary to achieve healthy growth in the following years :
- Team Creation : The goal is to find at least 20+ experts
- in different industries, namely : Artificial Intelligence, Front-end, Back-End, Marketing, Finance, Cybersecurity and Big Data. Facility Setup: Get all the infrastructure necessary to build a supercomputer hosting where hardware will be tailored to the funds collected on ICO. Partnership Agreement: To get clients with high coverage, it takes the right business partners to help us build a good and stable organization / infrastructure.
- Test-net release V1 : The first version of our AI powered by our own facility will be released at 5% capacity to begin testing the in-depth learning capabilities of the system.
- Trade Exchanges : Some exchanges will allow HAI trades to allow investors to start buying tokens for power counting
- Product Development : Once the research is done and the net-test v1 is released, future services and / or products to be released will be fully structured to deliver them in early 2019.
- Test-Net Upgrade : After much research and testing, the ultimate net-test of AI will get enhanced adding deeper in-depth learning instructions for mass scale enabling AI to reduce its learning curve.
- Learning of many industries : After the AI learning curve decreases, the mass learning process begins to allow to actively gather more knowledge.
Q4 - 2018
- Product Line Release : After legal issues are finalized and a strategic partnership is signed, an official product / service line will be released allowing businesses to utilize HAI Artificial Intelligence.
- Facility Improvement : According to the overall use of resources by AI, improvements will be made to improve computing power depending on the projected requirements.
- Main-net Release : The Main-Net allows customers to use AI in real time to be released to the public. Loan Platform Release: Allow the HAI holder to lend tokens through our web app using the power of smart contracts.
Q1 - 2019
- Creation of new facilities : In the expansion plans of the business scope, other facilities will be created by adding 1,000 + GPUs to the main network, reducing the AI learning curve.
- Business Expansion : Some locations will be opened in critical countries that allow HAI to have a worldwide presence.
- Product Line Extensions : As planned, previously developed products and services will be released to the public for business purposes.
Q2 - 2019
- HAI Box : After HAI has been tested for long periods of time and self-study capabilities have been fully developed, a corporate environment can be contacted by providing HAI Boxes to interested companies


For detailed information about our ICO, you may also visit our website address below :
- Website : https://haiproject.com/
- Technical documentation : https://haiproject.com/documents/HAIProject.V1.0.1.pdf
- Announcement : http://www.haiproject.com/ANN
- Telegram : http://t.me/HAIProject
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/officialhaiproject/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/ProjectHai
- YouTube : https://youtu.be/U-bd5ijLiu8
Author Article : Lelaapril2004
ETH : 0x0bF3d407cF25D98886d707d2355E7Cd00191c142
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