Today, the Internet has become an integral part of civilized life, and the belief that access to the network is one of the civil rights rooted in society. At the same time, the vast majority of the world's population - more than 4 billion people - still do not have access to the Internet, and the rest have to pay for it. The Wi-Fi Global project will expand the Internet coverage of the world and give users free access to Wi-Fi networks.
Our team has implemented projects in the field of Wi-Fi hotspots and ads on Wi-Fi networks. We analyze existing business models and realize that thanks to blockchain technology, it's possible to create a global decentralized Wi-Fi network and make it free for users at the expense of advertisers. New now the television works; the only difference is that it is enough for us to show a short and inconspicuous ad when connecting to the network to recoup costs and make a profit.
How it works
All information is stored in lockers and updated regularly. This data can not be lost or falsified. Blockchain has become the system's overall link. Each transaction served by the actual agreement plays the role of the advertising agency. This is necessary to ensure that both parties are confident that the advertising budget will reach its destination and be converted into the number of planned impressions.

The Global Wi-Fi Platform operating scheme creates a decentralized Wi-Fi network worldwide.
There are 3 main links in the chain:
- Users are people connected to an open network and use the Internet for free after watching an ad.
- Router owner - provides access to open networks and generates advertising.
- Advertisers - broadcast ads to target audiences, pay with router owners
When connected to the system, the router starts to distribute other networks. It's isolated from the home network at the software level, so unbeknownst to the owner, no one can connect with it. The second network becomes public. The load on the router is distributed evenly, the owner can set the appropriate parameters for it. When connected to a public network, users see targeted ads. The router owner's income depends on the quantity and quality of the ads being viewed. The system analyzes locations, profiles on social networks, search queries, and other parameters necessary for ad targeting. The more solvent audiences are in the public network, the more tokens that are charged for viewing ads and, therefore, the more expensive an impression for advertisers.
All information is stored in lockers and updated regularly. This data can not be lost or falsified. Blockchain has become the system's overall link. Each transaction is served by agreement. The actual deal plays the role of the advertising agency. This is necessary to ensure that both parties are confident that the advertising budget will reach its destination and be converted into the number of planned impressions.
- Retrieves data generated from the advertiser tasks that exist on the Global Wi-Fi server.
- Establish an advertising campaign whose advertising settings are already registered.
- Specify the cost of an advertising campaign for each router.
- Determines how advertising dollars will be shared by all advertisers selected by the router.
- Upon receipt of a report on a completed advertising campaign in the database, Deal retrieves advertiser reports and router reports and creates new entries in the database about this particular router, which specifies that on X date X of X data on the router is updated Advertisers can view and evaluate updated data.
- Hash database is written to the host.
One blocked entry contains information about a single transaction. As such, the number of transactions equals the number of ad campaigns. The database contains information about targeting ( geo, router coordinates, number of users, age, interests, etc. ) for previous ad campaigns and their conversions, systematic in such a way that these materials can be found and processed easily. The database is automatically completed and updated with information from the newly completed advertising campaigns. Hash from the database associated with each router and assurance to the advertiser that he / she receives current and truthful information regarding the conversion of the advertising campaigns performed. The advertiser sees this in the graphical interface, where he chooses the settings and parameters of his advertising campaign.
Operations are processed in the blockchain system technology by the project data center - this is a distributed network that will be available to our partners. A transaction confirmation will be made between several NOD, which greatly speeds up the processing. This system is designed to process dozens of ( = ad campaigns ) transactions per second. With the launch of a small number of small ad campaigns simultaneously, there may be a delay of several hours. However, in this scheme may be abandoned - for example, agencies often create documents within weeks.
Their team has implemented projects in the field of Wi-Fi hotspots and advertising on Wi-Fi networks. We analyze existing business models and realize that thanks to blockchain technology, it's possible to create a global decentralized Wi-Fi network and make it free for users at the expense of advertisers. New now the television works; the only difference is that it is enough for us to show a short and inconspicuous ad when connecting to the network to recoup costs and make a profit.
GFI is an ERC20 token, based on Ethereum's smart contract. Compatibility with the ERC20 specification ensures easy integration with exchange and other services.

- Symbol: GFI
- Token available: 150,000,000 GFI
- 70%: for ICO
- 10%: for the team and founder
- 5%: for advisor
- 10%: to progaram bounty
- 5%: for Pre-ICO Sales tokens = 100,000,000 GFI
The token fee on ICO will be 0.3 $. Going forward, prices will depend on Global Wi-Fi penetration into the advertising market: from the volume of markets shaped by the project. The more penetration to the advertising market, the higher the token price. As for the initial calculation of token cost Data for calculation: Total advertising market per year: $ 494 billion Average ad cost: $ 0.025 Number of tokens on the market: 100,000,000 GFI.
- You can connect to the system by inviting only. An invitation is a private code that identifies users on the system. The first invitation will be given to ICO participants and the project team for network development. To connect to the system, you can use your own invites or invitations provided by other users.
- Register in the system and install software (software) on the router.
- A user, if desired, can create a public network and provide free internet to others, or limit himself to view ads within his home network.
- The number of tokens charged per view depends on who advertises this video. The more solvent and target audience is on the network, the higher the demand from the advertiser and the more advertisers are willing to pay for the impression. Thus, the more tokens the router owner receives.
The Global Wi-Fi platform allows advertisers to clearly select audiences based on their search query history, gender, age, social networking profiles, location (with detail levels down to homes, homes, apartments). It is important that, in contrast to ads on search engines or social networks, WiFi users, in any case, concentrate on the advertisements or banners shown before entering the Internet.
Overview of project reviews being run by WIFI GLOBAL to interact directly inquire about the continuation of this project can join the social media LINKs listed below for reference.


This shows that the market is very broad and quite profitable.
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Author Article : Lelaapril2004
ETH : 0x0bF3d407cF25D98886d707d2355E7Cd00191c142
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