What Is BTCx
BTCx aims to improve functionality and sort out volatility and to uncertainty caused by infigting in the Bitcoin community.
BTCx will be distributed with ICO, so you can take BTCx and redeem it in Exchange.
BTCx is the most advanced version of Bitcoin with faster, smarter and more secure transactions and lower transfer fees.
Privacy Issues ! BTCx has a private transaction so you can trade securely !
Things make BTCX better than Bitcoin
- BTCx is written in a Turing Complete Language which is more functional than the stack-based language used in Bitcoin.

- BBTCx has a faster transaction speed than Bitcoin with the help of more advanced Blockchain technology. The average block interval on Bitcoin is 10 minutes which is forty times slower than the 14 second BTCx block interval.

- Bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm that generates numbers in hexadecimal format. In contrast, BTCx uses the Ethash algorithm for security that is far superior in terms of security measures.

How does Ethereal Hashing work
The Ethash algorithm depends on the pseudorandom dataset, which is initialized by the current blockchain length. These are called DAGs, and are regenerated every 30,000 blocks ( or every -5 days ). In March 2017, DAG - 2GB, and DAG will continue to grow in size as the blockchain grows.
The flow of the hashing algorithm can be summarized as follows :
- The preprocessed headers and the Current Nonce, combined using the SHA3 algorithm to create our initial 128 byte mix, called Mix 0 here.
- Mix is used to calculate 128 DDR bytes for search pages, indicated by Get DAG page block.
- Mixed in combination with DAG pages taken. This is done by using a special ethereal mixing function to produce the next mixture, called Mix 1 here.
- Steps 2 & 3 are repeated 64 times, eventually resulting in Mix 64.
- Mix 64 is processed, resulting in a shorter Digit Mix mixture of 32 bytes.
- Mix Digest compared to a predefined Target Threshold 32 bytes. If the Mix Digest is less than or equal to the Threshold target, then Current Nonce is considered successful, and will be broadcast to the ethereum network. Otherwise, the current Nonce is considered invalid, and the algorithm is restarted with a different nonce ( either by adding the current nonce, or selecting a new one at random ).

Token BTCx News
- Token Name : BTCx
- Decimal : 8
- Symbol : BTCx
- Supply : 21,000,000
BTCx can be a BTC revolution in the future, I can conclude this because we can see from the comparison between Bitcoin and BTCx, BTCx could be a prima donna in the future this can not be separated from the technology used by BTCx.
Crowdsale Details :
Token sales started on 11 December 14.00 ( GMT +0 ) - ends on 10 January 23.59 ( GMT +0 )
BTCx can be a BTC revolution in the future, I can conclude this because we can see from the comparison between Bitcoin and BTCx, BTCx could be a prima donna in the future this can not be separated from the technology used by BTCx.
- WEBSITE : https://btcxproject.com/#about
- MEDIUM : https://medium.com/@btcx
- TWITTER : https://twitter.com/BTCxToken
- TELEGRAM : https://t.me/BTCxToken
- REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/r/BTCxToken/
- WHITEPAPER : https://btcxproject.com/whitepaper/whitepaper.pdf
- ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2460832
Author Article : Lelaapril2004
ETH : 0x0bF3d407cF25D98886d707d2355E7Cd00191c142
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